Part of the Worldwide Cursillo Movement
De Colores!
Welcome to Piqua Ultreya

Designed by Jim Linthicum, a fellow Cursillista.
....and a member of Piqua K of C.
Start your own website at
The Piqua Ultreya is part of the Catholic Cursillo movement in the Dayton and Miami Valley area. Cursillo events take place at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center (the former St. Gregory's Seminary) at 5440 Moeller Ave. in Norwood, Ohio near Cincinnati.
Cursillo and Ultreya Events
Our next Piqua Ultreya meeting will be Saturday morning November 23, 2024 at 9:15am in the Caserta Center at Piqua Catholic-Downing.
The next Women's Cursillo weekend will take place sometime in 2025.
The next Cincinnati Mens Cursillo will take place at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center 5440 Moller Avenue in Norwood October 25, 26 and 27.
We will be sending reminders when the date will be announced..
Contact Greg and Donna Johnson at 937-408-5777.
Contact & Details
Have a question or a prayer request?
Let us know what we can do for you.
Contact us by email when the email info app (to the right) is up and running sometime in the future
We meet on the Fourth Saturday mornings of each month at 9:15 am in the Caserta Center Cafeteria inside Piqua Catholic School's Center for Early Learning at the corner of South Downing and Miami Streets in Piqua, Ohio
Phone: (937)778-8187
Join us monthly and get to know your fellow Cursillistas
Looking for an opporitunity to serve God though a local charity?
Consider being a volunteer for Piqua's Bethany Center.