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Part of the Worldwide Cursillo Movement
About Cursillo
Are you searching for a way to grow deeper in your spiritual life?
If so, the Cursillo may be for you.
Cursillo (pronouced "cur-see-yo") is a Spanish word for "Short Course" and is a three-day weekend encounter where you are given tools to grow in your spiritual life and deepen your relationship with God.
The program begins with a three day weekend retreat, and then follows with the Fourth Day monthly Ultreya group (group reunions) of prayer, faith, sharing and fellowship.
The Cursillo three-day encounter gives you the tools to grow...and meet new freinds.
In our Cincinnati Archdiocese,there have been over 400 (and counting) weekends over the many years (since 1944) and thousand of lives have been changed by it.
St. John Paul II said that the Cursillo is one of the best kept secrets in our Catholic faith.
You are welcome to visit and attend our local Ultreya each month in the Caserta Center at the corner of South Downing and Miami streets here in Piqua, Ohio.
We meet on the third or fourth Saturday morning of the month at 9:15 am.
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About our webmaster
Jim Linthicum, a 1973 graduate of Lehman
Catholic High School has been poking around
with web design since 2001 with inspiration
from his wife Kimberly and his youngest son Paul.
He has constructed websites for the Piqua Knights of Columbus and for WRPO, a low-power FM station at Indian Lake in Russells Point, Ohio...and his Saturday morning show "Blues On The Lake."
In addition, Jim also volunteers his time and talents for the Piqua Community Handbell Choir, and is a freelance volunteer for Radio Maria USA and Holy Family Radio in addition to being a member of the Knights of Columbus Piqua Council 3344.

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